Already got my Christmas Mac. Ooo… What’s happening to me? I used to be such a die-hard PC guy.*
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Santa Mac
Posted by
9:19 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
That’s Freakin’ Awesome!
I just read this story on Yahoo! news:
A father went out looking for the coolest game he could find for his 15-year-old son for Christmas and happened upon a copy of “Guitar Hero III” for the Wii. Apparently, the game is pretty hard to find for the Wii, so it was a big coup. The sad part is, the father came home a couple of weeks ago to find his son smoking pot in the backyard, got pissed off, and put the game up for sale on eBay.
Here’s the kicker: It sold for $9,000. That would be NINE-freakin’-THOUSAND DOLLARS (U.S.). Holy cow. Some cat in Australia bought it. Now, I know that “Guitar Hero” is one of the most popular games in the world at the moment, but are you serious? That’s a lot of money for a game that retails for about $90.
You have to read the Dad’s last quote in the original story, which can be found here.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
This is What Happens When I Stay Home Alone
Kindra went out to her school’s holiday party… I stayed home, watched TV, and was reminded of this:
Posted by
5:48 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Movies for 2008
I know, 2007 isn’t even over and I haven’t seen half the films of this year that I wanted to, but there’s already a HUGE list of films coming out in 2008 that I have to make room for. It’s especially exciting with the number of fanboy projects coming out (i.e., Fanboys, Iron Man, Indiana Jones, etc.). Mark your calendars:
Jan. 18 – J.J. Abrams’ Cloverfield project
As super-secret as Abrams’ Star Trek movie is, this end-of-the-world/war-of-the-worlds/monster film that’s being shot as if taken from footage of handheld camcorders is the biggest hush-hush project in the movie industry. The Cloverfield title is simply a working project title to the movie, which made its trailer debut with only the date "01-18-08" displayed at the end.
Jan. 18 – Fanboys
Five words: Kristen. Bell. Slave. Leia. Gold. Bikini. Add in a story line about five friends who are on a mission to watch Star Wars: Episode I before it's released at George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch before their friend passes away of cancer, and you’ve got me hooked.
Feb. 17 – Knight Rider (NBC television movie)
Kinda worried about this one, given the debut of the new K.I.T.T. But it was still one of the coolest shows of the 80’s, despite Hoff’s leather Members-Only jacket.
Mar. 21 – 21
Based on the book Bringing Down the House, the true story of six M.I.T. students who took Vegas casions for millions.
Mar. 28 – Wanted
Two words this time: Angelina. Jolie. Based on the comic by Mark S. Millar, it also stars James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman. McAvoy is the son who just found out his father was part of an elite cadre of hitmen, Jolie is his tutor, aptly named The Fox, and Freeman is the leader of the pack. C’mon… guns, action, and the aforementioned Angelina Jolie?
Apr. 4 – Harold & Kumar 2
I don’t think you can properly watch an H&K movie in a public theater.
May 2 – Iron Man
Robert Downey, Jr., Gywenth Paltrow, Terrance Howard, Jeff Bridges, a special appearance by Samuel L. Jackson and directed by fanboy Jon Favreau based on the Marvel comic of the same name. Kick ass, and, oddly enough, just what Danica wants to do on her birthday.
May 9 – Speed Racer
Not totally sold on it based on the trailer, but it could be fun. Go, go…?
May 16 – The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The first movie started off well, then fell precipitously. The trailer for this one looks better, so there’s hope.
May 22 – Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
June 13 – The Incredible Hulk
Edward Norton and Liv Tyler star in the “reimagining” of the Hulk saga, directed by Louis Lettierer (The Transporter). It doesn’t discount Ang Lee’s incredibly slow Hulk of a few years ago, but with Lettierer, it will definitely be about Hulk smash!
June 13 – The Happening
Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan with Mark Walhberg, Zooey Deschanel, and John Leguizamo. He’s been a bit off since Unbreakable, but this is supposedly Shyamalan’s best script since The Sixth Sense.
June 20 – Get Smart
Steve Carrell, Anne Hathaway, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in a send-up of the 1960’s comedic spy show is going to be awesome. Also starring Alan Arkin, Terrance Stamp, and Masi “Hiro Nakamura” Oka. A made-for-DVD “sequel” will focus on minor characters and be released ten days after the premiere.
June 27 – Wall-E
Pixar’s latest film, the concept for Wall-E was created even before Toy Story. In fact, it’s the last of the original story concepts that included Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, and Monsters, Inc. The movie is about the last robot on Earth who holds the key to Earth’s future, after all its human inhabitants have fled. Director Andrew Stanton has referred to it as “R2-D2: The Movie.”
June 27 – Valkyrie
Tom Cruise stars in a Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects, X-Men, Superman Returns) film about a plot to kill Adolf Hitler by some of the highest-ranking men in the German military. Also starring Terrance Stamp, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, and Kenneth Branagh.
July 11 – Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
The continuing story about the son of the devil who rejects his birthright and teams with a group of paranormal heroes to save the world. It’s a follow-up to the fun and visually stunning Hellboy and is directed by acclaimed Mexican director Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labrynith).
July 18 – The Dark Knight
The sequel to 2005’s Batman Begins, and the second-most secret movie of 2008 behind Cloverfield. Recent revealing pictures, plot points, and the highly-anticipated debut of footage in front of IMAX screenings of Will Smith’s I Am Legend make it a super-hot movie. Heath Ledger as the Joker will be awesome, and nobody’s even talking about Aaron Eckhart’s turn as Harvey Dent/Two-Face yet.
Other summer films (dates TBD):
Righteous Kill
Martin Scorsese, Al Pacino, and Robert De Niro all on film together. I’m not usually drawn to any of their movies, but this one could be hot.
The Lovely Bones
Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings) adapts Alice Sebold’s best-selling novel with Ryan Gosling, Susan Sarandon, Rachel Weisz, and Stanley Tucci. King Kong was a bust, but the plot of a 14-year-old killed by her neighbor, telling the story from heaven, examining the lives of those around her while trying to get somebody to find her body should be very interesting.
Oct. 3 – Where the Wild Things Are
Director Spike Jonze and a children’s classic!
Nov. 7 – James Bond 22 (possibly titled 007)
Casino Royale was pretty good, even if it did get a little convoluted at the end. Daniel Criag is the best Bond since Sean Connery.
Nov. 7 – The Changeling
Produced by Ron Howard and Brian Grazer, directed by Clint Eastwood, and starring Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich about a woman whose son is abducted, but returned. However, she suspects the child is not hers and then must face the corruption of the LAPD. Based upon actual events of 1920’s Los Angeles.
Nov. 21 – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Only two more Potter movies!
Nov. 26 – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Based on the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story about a man who was born old and feeble and ages in reverse to become a baby at the end of his life. Brad Pitt stars as the man and Cate Blanchett takes a turn as the 30-year-old he falls in love with. Plus, it’s directed by David Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac).
Dec. 12 – The Day the Earth Stood Still
Remake of the 1951 sci-fi classic about an alien that comes to Earth and warns world leaders that their continuing aggression will lead to annihilation by an alien race watching them. The remake will star Keanu Reeves.
Dec. 25 – J.J. Abrams' Star Trek
Double duh.
Possible 2008 movies (based on when the current writer’s strike ends):
Director Baz Lurhman (Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge!) and stars Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman in a World War II epic.
The Box
Director Richard Kelly (Donnie Darko) helms a film about a couple who find a small wooden box on their doorstep which brings good fortune at an unforeseen price. Based on the Richard Matheson (I Am Legend) short story, “Button, Button.”
Based on the stage play about the post-Watergate television interviews between talk-show host David Frost and President Richard Nixon. I read a bit about it, and it seems like it’s got a lot of depth to it.
I would say that’s a full calendar. And I didn’t even include some movies that might end up being good, but are too questionable to call right now.
Posted by
3:29 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
It's the End of the World as We Know It...
What is going on in this world?!?! First, Jennifer Love Hewitt gets engaged and some bulges/cellulite, now Jessica Alba’s pregnant!
For those of you who don’t keep up with the mindless celebrity drivel that I hate, Jessica Alba recently confirmed that she and boyfriend Cash Warren (are you kidding me? Cash?) are expecting (what I hope is) a baby.
And here’s a few pics of J-Lo Hew’s vacation in Hawai’i:
Posted by
9:23 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
First Contact!
The pictures were found at JFX Online, which is a street photojournalism site (a.k.a. a spot for paparazzi). Here’s a link to more Kirk pics and some more Spock pics.
* * *
Okay, first of all, yes, it would’ve been nice to include the original Captain Kirk in the film. However, there are two reasons not to: 1) the plot supposedly revolves around a rogue Romulan who goes back in time to try to assassinate James T. Kirk, and it’s up to an older Spock to partner with his younger self to prevent any changes to the timeline; and 2) in the current Star Trek universe, Shatner’s Kirk is…
(wait for it…)
(waaaaaait for it…)
Dead. He died in the ridiculous Star Trek: Generations, saving Patrick Stewart’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the rest of the universe.
So that’s that.

Posted by
10:29 AM
Bah Dah Ba-BAH…!
I love Drew Struzan, the artist who did this. He’s also done posters for Star Wars, Blade Runner, Police Academy, Coming to America, and the rest of the Indiana Jones movies. More recent work includes the Harry Potter movie posters. He also does a lot of album covers, including Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare, which Rolling Stone dubbed one of the "Top 100 Album Covers of All Time," and just recently did the new Angels & Airwaves cover for I-Empire.
Despite the fact that I like the poster, I’m still not sold on the title or the movie, based on these stills:
I know I’m picky, but doesn’t Harrison Ford look a little too clean as Indy? And Shia LaBeouf looks a little too slick. He reminds me of MacGyver’s son (look it up). Shoulda gone without the moustache, too.
Posted by
8:52 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Twelve Days of Christmas
From the folks over at
This year "The Twelve Days of Christmas" will cost your True Love $19,507, an increase of 3.1% over last year, according to the 23rd Annual PNC Christmas Price Index. That rise is consistent with the 3.5% increase in the U.S. government's Consumer Price Index so far this year.
Here's the breakdown of the 12 days...
1 Partridge in a Pear Tree - $164.99
2 Turtle Doves - $40
3 French Hens - $45
4 Calling Birds - $599.96
5 Gold Rings - $395
6 Geese-a-Laying - $360
7 Swans-a-Swimming - $4,200
8 Maids-a-Milking - $46.80
9 Ladies Dancing - $4,759.19
10 Lords-a-Leaping - $4,285.06
11 Pipers Piping - $2,213.40
12 Drummers Drumming - $2,397.85
Posted by
7:53 AM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
They Should Put Him On Monday Night
My vote for the newest Monday Night Football commentator:
Posted by
10:07 AM