For you gaming fans, Street Figher IV has been confirmed for XBox 360, Playstation 3, and PC’s. It’ll be a cel-shaded 3-D fighter with a lot of the original cast returning, so it should be satisfying. Read more here, and go to the official site for character reveals this Friday, May 30.
I know the console isn’t designed for these sorts of games, but is it too much to ask for a Wii version? I was never very good at the game, but I liked playing it, so this is a title that would probably get me to plunk down $50 for it (well, at least $19.99 when the game gets discounted two or three years after its release).
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by
10:26 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
One-Liners (Sorta)
Iron Man ROCKED. Caught it on Monday with my sister, who was worried that I wouldn’t like it because I usually complain about things gone wrong in movies. I’ll say that the only things I didn’t like was that Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) waffled between the liberated woman and the damsel in distress and that the last battle was too short and unsatisfying. BUT, the movie still kicked ass (including Captain America’s shield in the background!). More later.
Haven’t said much about the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, slated to come out July 18, but I am looking forward to it. A little miffed by Heath Ledger’s Joker voice, but I’ve only seen clips so it might be okay. There’s a clip on YouTube that I’ll have to find that shows the parallels between the trailer for the 1989 Tim Burton Batman and The Dark Knight. So similar, it’s eerie. But the reason I’m writing about it now is that it seems Reese’s has jumped on the bandwagon with their latest bat-shaped and Batman-themed candy. Here’s a link to the site.
It’s a bizarre baseball season, and Sports Illustrated’s covering it with comic artist Mark Bagley. The May 21, 2008 Sports Illustrated will feature a cover by Bagley with Tampa Bay’s Carl Crawford, the Yankee’s Derek Jeter, and Superman villan Bizarro looking on. For those of you looking to get me a gift in the near future (or any future), the original art to the piece would be nice. =) Read more here.
Oh, and if you’re wondering about that SI cover jinx thing? Just after the cover was revealed, Derek Jeter had to leave the Yankee’s game against the Orioles after he was hit by a pitch by the Orioles’ Daniel Cabrera. The Yanks also lost, 12-2. Jinx intact!
Very quickly, the real winners in the NBA Draft Lottery held on Tuesday, May 20 were the Miami Heat. They had the highest chance of winning it, but the Chicago Bulls, with a 1.7% chance of getting the first pick overall, saw the ping-pong balls go their way. Problem is, the Bulls now have to pick between Michael Beasley, a 6-9 forward who can go inside and out, and Derrick Rose, a 6-4 point guard who can do it all. The Heat win, because they just have to choose whoever the Bulls don’t, and there’s no second-guessing by anybody. Just to throw it out there, I think the Bulls should take Beasley and the Heat Rose, but I think that Beasley is the more talented of the two (slightly), but Rose is tougher and will reach more of his potential than Beasley.
Lastly, happy birthday to Mr. T! The man turns 56(!) today.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Same Zip Code...
***UPDATED Tuesday, May 20 at 2:00 p.m. PDT***
Because Don asked… Jenny Garth, who starred on the original Beverly Hills, 90210 as Kelly Taylor, will reportedly guest-star as a school counselor at West Beverly High occasionally.
Posted by
12:19 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What the...? of the Day

Dopey rating:

What the hell is with the headdress/hat thing on her head? Did she get dressed saying, “Hey, I want to avert eyes from my gorgeous dress and put myself squarely in the middle of a fashion faux pas?” Weird for a woman who’s usually right on the money, fashion-wise.
Here’s the rest of the cast:
Posted by
1:32 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
For Don, who has enjoyed Dragonball… Here’s the first production still of Goku, from the forthcoming Dragonball live-action movie directed by James Wong (Final Destination) and produced by Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer, Kung-Fu Hustle).
The movie stars Justin Chatwin (Tom Cruise’s son in War of the Worlds) as Goku, Chow Yun-Fat as Master Roshii, James Marsters (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer) as Piccolo, and Emmy Rossum (The Phantom of the Opera) as Bulma. It’s due out April 8, 2009.
Picture from Weekly Shonen Jump, Issue 24 (available this week). Read more at the Dragonball movie blog site.
I haven't ever watched the Dragonball anime or read the manga, but it's one of the biggest series in the world. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of high hopes for this movie.
Posted by
11:50 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Clone Wars!
There’s a new, weekly animated Star Wars series coming to TV this fall, but the pilot will be shown in theaters beginning August 15. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is based upon the shorts created by Gendy Tartovsky that aired on Cartoon Network a few years ago, which, incidentally, is probably the best Star Wars stuff EVER (and is available on two separate DVD’s). It’s set during the time between Episodes II and III of the movie series, so you get to see a lot of lightsaber and Force action. Needless to say, I’m excited about it.
The trailer for the new series will debut across multiple networks on Thursday, May 8 at 7:58 PM (local time). Cartoon Newtork, TNT, TBS, Boomerang (huh?), and even CNN will air the trailer simultaneously. Woo-hoo!
The series will air on Cartoon Network, with subsequent airings on TNT.
Posted by
2:43 PM
Monday, May 05, 2008
Today's Dwarf Rating
On a scale of 0-5 dwarves.
BTW, I just realized that it's Snow White and the Seven DWARFS, and not Dwarves. Does that bother anybody else?
Posted by
12:16 PM